I have been reading your comments, particularly to the last post and I want to clear out a few things:
1. Some of you think I have toned down. This is a correct observation. I made a conscious effort to write things in a milder way. Why did I do that? To be frrank, I had (and still have) serious thoughts of announcing who I am after the finals. When I do that, I don't want you guys to have a grudge on me. At that time, I would like to see comments like "it was fun, we had a good laugh" rather than comments like "how dare you said something like this about me". Besides, even with a milder version and my "Word of Caution", some of you seem to be hunting for my head which saddens me.
2. There was this comment saying that I'm abusing ppl!!! Really, am I ? I don't think I have abused even a single person on this blog till now. I've said this before, my only intention behind this blog is good-natured humor and banter during fun kriket. My thoughts behind the blog were that what if no one covers fun kriket. Lets have a blog that ppl can read daily just like a newspaper .... for updates. But its just a shame that some guys are not man enough to bite the bullet.
3. Till the current date and time, yours truly has not posted any comment on this blog. So I dont know who is posting comments like "say whatever u say I do whatever I do" etc. My guess is as good as yours. Please do not trust any comments made on my behaf, its simply not me. If I have to say something I'll post it in the blog, I will never comment.
Now then, going by the comments and a couple of "hate emails" that I have received, I want to make a decision folks. I can take whatever you throw at me. Call me kala bandar, ba****, bh****, call me anything. What I cannot see is losing trust and friendship of my friends, particularly those of you who are close to me. I can see my close friends using cus words seriously against me which hurts. So do I stop all this? Do I stop writing? I don't think thats the right thing to do but I don't know if I should stop and I cannot decide.
Besides, I am a democrat. I am here for you, of you and by you. This blog is here for YOUR entertainment, our entertainment. The blog belongs to YOU as much as it belongs to me. So I want YOU guys to decide and tell me what I should do. Your options are:
A. Keep blogging, without toning down. Uncensored. Write in full swing. But then I don't reveal myself in the end.
B. Keep blogging but be mild. let know your identity in the end.
C. Stop this non-sense.
D. F***-off, we don't care.
One small request, please honour the democratic spirit of this blog and comment your vote only once. Would be great if you can let me know the reasons for your answer as well. Also, no comment would indicate option C or D to me.
I'll see if I get sufficient number of positive comments. I will also observe your reactions and discussions during my interactions with you. Based on that I will decide whether this is the end of my blogging career OR if I get back to report fun in the matches next week. Till then, goodbye. But ofcourse I'll keep seeing you at the ground daily :)