Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Final Say

Straight to the points:

1. I'm pretty sure all of us here share one common sentiment and that is having fun. We are all very united and there is no feeling of hatred or regionalism amongst us. Its just that there are a couple of spoit eggs out there, who have affected our mood. 

2. To those idiots who got regionalism into this, I would like to point out one fact: Names appearing on this blog had included bevdaa, radio, lata, junglee, bhikari, frog dude, pardada .... all from different parts of the country. Your accusation of regionalism was baseless. The truth is that you guys wanted particular individuals to be targeted. When that did not happen, it resulted in frustration! What you did not realize is that this blog was just 3 days old. There are 13 teams that is 78 individuals playing. It was impossible to get all these individuals on the blog in 6 posts. You should have been patient. sabka number aatha.

3. Going by the number of positive votes, I had decided to continue this blog. But all that goes into waste now! Probably, I should have been more careful and quicker in deleting the obscense comments but it is not possible for me to monitor the blog 24 by 7.

4. I hope you would have no hard feelings towards yours truly. Honestly, I never had any regionalist intentions and the only thing on my mind was fun and humor. As far as bevdaa, junglee, radio and all others of whom fun was made are concerned, their names would have almost never come up in the blog again. I have no grudge against any of them, they had been mocked once already so they would have never come in the firing line again. The plan was to make fun of different sets of 10-15 guys every week, that way most of you would have been covered :)

5. My message to you all would be not to hate each other, stay united ... dont try to find me :) ... instead try to find the buffoons who spoilt YOUR fun and party and tried to create hatred amongst all of us.

6. So then, basically, this is the obituary of this blog and the end of my short blogging career! Does that make me sad? Well, yes, partly. But really, its not MY loss. Its YOUR loss. YOU were getting entertained for FREE !!! Its YOU who are going to be deprived of all the excitement and thrill. For me, its one less thing to do now in an otherwise hectic semester.

7. Who am I? Something that has been debated long in this short span. You would be disappointed to know that none of you ever came close OR thought in the right direction. This blog was being written on cricket, a TEAM game. Behind every good work there is a crime and behind every crime there is a TEAM of criminals is all I can say.

8. My email id is fakeksuplayer@gmail.com ... if you have anything to say, feel free to email. I have read all emails that have been sent to me till this time. Do I have thoughts of restarting the blog? I don't know, maybe I will think of it if I receive emails from responsible, non-anonymous, known email id's in sufficient number.

9. Finally, thank you all for your participation in this blog by way of comments, love, appreciation, feedback, criticism, jokes, conversations, brickbats, abuses etc

Goodbye and Good luck.

P.S. I already have the first email which asks me to put non-anonymous commenting on. This is equivalent to responsible ppl posting comments he says. Yeah dude, you are right. Yours truly is not smart enough to think of this. Anyway, turning non-anonymous commenting on here.